Friday, September 21, 2007

Brag Blog

So far I have been an unbiased blog administrator, but since there is no cricket to blog about tonight, I'm going to brag. I am kicking your collect butts!! I am on fire, you people have no chance at catching me. Just try, go ahead. My team right now ROCKS!! My husband is jealous(and proud)and wishes that he hadn't done such a good job at teaching me the game. My Mom,is jealous(and proud) and wishes she didn't raise such a competitive daughter. My Dad has been stunned into silence. BRING IT ON PEOPLE, BRING IT ON!


Catherine Robinson said...

Hah!! What sort of daughter-in-law is this! Fighting talk indeed! Well Miss Katy, we have contemplated and discussed, researched and lost sleep, manipulated and intrigued, swapped and traded and we are ready for the contest. Missy, Bob and Michael, try to control her for all our sakes - do you know her password? Say no more. I have been in touch with Ricky, Matty, Stewie, Jayawearegoingtohitsomehugesixesoverlongonriya and the boys - won't tell you what they said. So there now, let's hear what you'all have to say about that....

missy barnett said...

Catherine, I have inside information that Miss Katy is a little scared. She doesn't have enough trades to have a complete team on Monday and no captain. I, unfortunately, am in the same boat.
So Catherine and Moira now's your chance to thrive!
Michael was most thrilled to see Australia lose this morning. I'm sure a lot of you were.